This is the web page for Fall 2021 Distributed Operation Systems at the University of Oklahoma.
In this milestone, we expect you will be able to compile your code and print out the inital board. This milestone will insure that you are able to begin completing the assignment. Much of your time developing should be spent handeling edge cases you will need to develop a reliable and understandable logging system.
Create a GIF showing you progam successfully staring up instance using docker-compose up
or a similar command.
Add this image to your file with an explaination of what is occuring in the GIF.
Create a GIF of a printout of the gameboard. You gameboard print out should show the location of trainers and Pokemon. Add this image to your file with an explaination of what is occuring in the GIF.
Instance Startup | 48% |
Gameboard | 52% |
Note that these are only a few print outs that everyone should have. You should explore other logging methods to help you visually test edge cases.
You will submit your github link to canvas. View canvas for project due dates.
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