This is the web page for Text Analytics at the University of Oklahoma.
This dataset contains a CSV of average daily temperatures for 167 international cities. Source data for these files are from the Global Summary of the Day (GSOD) database archived by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The average daily temperatures posted on this site are computed from 24 hourly temperature readings in the Global Summary of the Day (GSOD) data. The file was updated on a regular basis and contains data from January 1995 to December 2020.
Occasionally, problems with weather station metering equipment result in missing average daily temperatures. Denoted missing data use a “–99” flag. Depending on the level of accuracy needed, the missing temperatures can be approximated as the mean of the daily temperatures recorded immediately before and after the missing data.
Please note that the “average” daily temperatures are calculated as the mean of 24 hourly readings, rather than the mean of the daily minimum and maximum temperatures. Thus, the 24-hour average daily temperatures will not be exactly the same as the mean of the daily minimum and maximum temperatures.
Column names = Region, Country, State, City, Month, Day, Year, AvgTemperature