CS 3113 Spring 21


This is the web page for Operation Systems at the University of Oklahoma.

View the Project on GitHub oudalab/cs3113sp21

Syllabus CS 3113

Introduction to Operating Systems (Spring 2021)

Class hours: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 - 12:15pm
Location: Zoom


Dr. Christan Grant

Teaching Assistant

Yunlong Liu

Note: Any email messages to the professors or teaching assistants must include cs3113 in the subject line. Any email without this string in the subject line will likely be filtered as junk.

Email may be sent to the instructors and TAs using the following address: cs3113@googlegroups.com.

External Tutors

The William Kerber Teaching Scholars will be available for questions and help for several CS topics.

Nathan Huffman, Jennifer Pham, Jack Schwarz, Ethan Womack are available at the following times:

Day Times
Mondays 12p - 4p
Tuesdays 9:00a - 10:45a
12:30p - 4:30p
Wednesdays 12p - 4p
Thursdays 9a - 10:45a
12:30p - 4:30p
Fridays 12:00p - 3:20p

The Zoom ID is 930-4068~6553.

cstutoring is the code word.

The above times are subject to change.


The prerequisites for this course are CS 2413 - Data Structures and CS 2613 - Computer Organization (or ECE 3223). (If you have not taken these courses, you will need instructor permission to take 3113.) You are expected to have a working knowledge of C and C++, including a familiarity with its basic data types and control structures, and an understanding of computer organization. This course will introduce students to operating systems theory and cover the principles of systems programming.

Course Details

Successfully learning operating systems means understanding both theory and system programming. This operating systems course will include activities to support both. As a computer scientist or a computer engineer, this course will be extremely beneficial, but will also be a lot of work. Students should be prepared to spend several hours a week outside of class studying and working on assignments. It is ill-advised to take this course with other programming heavy courses.

Lectures will be a mix of traditional lectures, class discussions, videos and other activities. Participation is required to get the most out of the class.

ABET Student Outcomes

Learning Management System

We will use the Canvas learning system. This course website can be reached through canvas.ou.edu. Please check this system regularly to keep informed of all announcements, updates, and changes.

Course Materials

Required Textbooks:

Computer Accounts and Software

Increasingly, software is developed and executed in “the cloud”. This semester the class will make heavy use of a popular cloud infrastructure. Students will be able to deploy virtual machines with various configurations, on the fly. Credentials for using this infrastructure will be distributed after the first week of class. For questions and issues using this software, students should use the in-class discussion board. All students enrolled in class should also have a CS account and access to a Linux-based systems in the CS department. For most computer science students, an account will be automatically created. If not, you can send an email to cs3113@googlegroups.com. All code written for this course MUST run using the compilers or interpreters that will be specified for the assignments. It is your responsibility to ensure that your code runs on these systems. For compatibility reasons, we recommend developing and testing on a Linux-based machine.

Course Policies

Proper Academic Conduct


Points for this class will come from a variety of sources. The different components are weighted as follows:

Assignments 30%
Projects 40%
Midterm 15%
Final 15%

To perform well, active participation in in-classactivities is required. In-class exercises will be often and possibly will be unannounced. These exercises may include group discussion or individual problem-solving. Students can waive one in-class activity without penalty.

The homework assignments will be assigned approximately bi-weekly. Homework types include coding assignments, essay questions, online discussions and other similar questions. Homework will generally be submitted through Canvas or Gradescope. Most homework assignments will be due at 11:45 pm CST on the night of class. Students can waive one homework assignment without penalty.

A total of five Projects will be given over the course of the semester. Other than Project 0, the projects will be nontrivial, requiring a substantial amount of planning, programming and debugging. We encourage you to budget your time well for these. The projects will be due at 11:45 pm CST on the day indicated in the class schedule

Submission Format

For written student submissions should only be .txt files, portable document format .pdf, or Markdown.md. Files of type .doc, .docx, or .rtf will not be accepted. Compressed files should be of type .gz or .tar.gz. Files of the .rar format will notmbe accepted. Other file types, particularly coding files, may be used in the class. The expected file type will be stated. Often, files packaged under non-Unix/Linux flavored operating systems, such as Windows, have a non-negative number of compatibility issues with our grading systems. If the graders cannot open files for these reasons, the project will not receive credit.

Late Policy

Any project may be turned in up to 24 hours late for a 10% penalty. After this time window, no late work will be accepted.

Other assignments will not be accepted late.

Midterm and Final Exams

As required by the university, the course will have both a midterm and a comprehensive final exam. The final exam will take place on Wednesday, May 8, from 8:00–10:00 am in Dale Hall, 0112.

Final Grade Scale

Grade cut-offs will be at or below the traditional 90, 80, 70, etc. cut-offs.

Grade questions

Please note that when an exam/assignment is brought with grading questions, we may examine the entire exam/assignment and your final grade may end up lower.

Canvas Grade Summary

Canvas has a grade book that is used to store the data that are used to calculate your course grade. It is the responsibility of each student in this class to check their grades on Canvas after each assignment is returned. If an error is found, bring the graded document to any of the instructors or TAs, and we will correct Canvas.


Specific Outcomes of Instruction

By the end of the semester, the students will increase their:

Course Evaluations

The College of Engineering utilizes student ratings as one of the bases for evaluating the teaching effectiveness of each of its faculty members. The results of these forms are important data used in the process of awarding tenure, making promotions, and giving salary increases. In addition, the faculty uses these forms to improve their own teaching effectiveness. The original request for the use of these forms came from students, and it is students who eventually benefit most from their use. Please take this task seriously and respond as honestly and precisely as possible, both to the machine-scored items and to the open-ended questions.

Reasonable Accommodation

The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for all students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who require accommodations in this course are requested to speak with the professor as early in the semester as possible. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services prior to receiving accommodations in this course. The Office of Disability Services is located in the University Community Center at 730 College Avenue; the phone is 405-325-3852 or TDD only is 403-325-4173.

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact one of the instructors as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based temporary disability. Please see http://www.ou.edu/eoo/faqs/pregnancy-faqs.html for commonly asked questions.

Title IX Resources

For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24.7, counseling services, mutual no-contact orders, scheduling adjustments and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office 405-325-2215 (8-5) or the Sexual Assault Response Team 405-615-0013 (24.7) to learn more or to report an incident.

Technical Support

For OU IT support, please phone (405) 325-HELP. For help with issues pertaining to any CS department machine (in room DEH 115). There is a OU SharePoint site that you can use for reference https://sooners.sharepoint.com/sites/OUCSTutorials.


Key Class Resources

Dates and details in the syllabus and schedule are subject to frequent change, please check regularly. Major changes will be announced on Canvas.

External Resources




This page is available online at: https://oudalab.github.io/cs3113sp20